
我们从社区收集捐赠的笔记本电脑, 更新他们, then distribute them to low-income households without computers via our network of nonprofit direct service providers (social workers, 社会工作者, 教育工作者, 或医护人员). All donated laptops are securely wiped (according to the US DoD 5220.22-M Standard as well as 20+ international data sanitizing standards) and refurbished by volunteers. 如果你有一台笔记本电脑要捐赠,请点击这里!

Our goal is to connect adults on the other side of the 数字鸿沟 帮助他们茁壮成长. 自2020年COVID爆发以来, we have refurbished and distributed over 400 donated computers to adults, 老年人, and families isolated from the resources and opportunities a computer can provide. Access to a computer means adults are better equipped to develop skills they need to enter the workforce and earn better wages, parents can more easily support their child’s education, veterans’ and rural-area families get access to online healthcare support, and 老年人 are offered an opportunity to improve their social and civic engagement!

Our Refurbished Laptop Program does not distribute laptops to the general public; they are distributed through direct service providers at existing partner nonprofits. Due to limited resources we are not able to expand our Refurbished Laptop Program at this time.


We provide information for qualifying households in Dane County about affordable home internet options that range $10-$30/mo for service for families participating in SNAP and other programs.


Adults can gain basic computer skills and help with tech questions in our free classes or Walk-in Computer Help Clinics held at libraries and community centers. 类通常包括:

  • 计算机基础知识
  • 互联网基础知识、私隐 & 安全
  • 写作工具:谷歌文档 & 文书处理软件
  • 排除电脑问题

Any scheduled classes or walk-in clinics are listed below. If none are listed, we do not yet have the funds to offer them. 请考虑 捐款. If your non-profit agency is interested in funding and hosting class/es or Walk-in Computer Help Clinic/s for your clients (or staff), 打(608)274-3107转3给肖恩.




需要基本的电脑或网络技能的帮助? 寻求帮助开设一个电子邮件帐户, 编写Word文档, 浏览互联网, 确保文件安全, 和更多的. Call (608) 266-6350 to make a 30-minute appointment.


请支持数字公平 今天捐款!




我们从社区收集捐赠的笔记本电脑, 更新他们, then distribute them to low-income households without computers via our network of nonprofit direct service providers (social workers, 社会工作者, 教育工作者, 或医护人员). All donated laptops are securely wiped (according to the US Dept of Defense 5220.22-M Standard as well as 20+ international data sanitizing standards) and refurbished by volunteers. Our goal is to connect adults on the other side of the 数字鸿沟 有更好的工作, 教育的成功, 远程医疗, 以及其他可以帮助他们茁壮成长的资源.

PC laptops from 2015 or later running Windows, with power cords
(最低. 4gb RAM, 250gb硬盘)

Apple MacBooks or iPads from 2010 or later, with power cords


从我们的 亚马逊愿望清单

++点击这里 浏览捐款指引  ++


电子邮件 info@dzflgg.net if you have something to donate and we can arrange drop-off/pick-up!


Donating stock can have two-fold tax savings benefits: you could avoid capital gains tax for those securities and receive a tax deduction for your contribution. 在这些好处之上, by supporting digital equity in the community with your stock donation, you are providing adults with the skills they need to enter the workforce, allowing families to better support their child's education, assisting veterans' access to online healthcare support, and offering 老年人 a chance to improve their social and civic engagement!

捐赠股票很容易! Just give the following information to your broker:
DTC: 0057

Please contact Bob Allbright at Edward Jones via 608-935-9299 after you've made your stock donation request to your broker. 向爱德华·琼斯的鲍勃提供你的名字, address, and email or phone number allows us to send you the necessary donation letter for your tax filing.


By supporting digital equity in the community with your donation, you are providing adults with the skills they need to enter the workforce, allowing families to better support their child's education, assisting veterans' and rural-area families access to online healthcare support, and offering veterans and 老年人 a chance to improve their social and civic engagement!

$15,000 pays for a full year of free weekly Walk-In Computer Help or Tech Repair Clinic at a local community center or library --helping hundreds of low-income adults and 老年人 needing help learning how to use computers or looking for tech repair assistance.

$4,000 buys 200 laptop cases for the free laptops we give to low-income households without computers over the course of a year.

$1,000 包括翻新20台捐赠笔记本电脑的费用, which go to low-income households without a computer.

$500 covers the cost of printing our Computer Literacy Guides for one year, which go to laptop recipients and visitors to our Computer Help Clinics.

$300 允许我们免费提供一个, 2-hour Walk-In Computer Help or Tech Repair Clinic at a community center or library.

$100 buys hard drives for two donated laptops that we couldn't refurbish without new hard drives.

$50 covers the cost refurbishing one donated laptop to distribute to a family or adult in need.

任何数量 帮助我们缩小戴恩县的数字鸿沟, 这意味着更有准备的劳动力, 更成功的学生, 更健康的社区, 以及更多的老年人和退伍军人! 进一步了解我们的 数字资产项目, working to promote digital equity in Dane County.
